Latest Posts
18 April, 2024
Took a flight to Oahu earlier this week and was talking to my friends on how I scored a business class flight on Hawaiian Airlines for only $230.20 and this got there attention. I had...
12 April, 2024
Just coming off the high of traveling through New Zealand and the Cook Islands. If you’re just like me I had no idea where Aitutaki and Rarotonga was before our vacation. If you...
28 March, 2024
So you want to learn how to book Aer Lingus flights using your Avios? Well you’re in luck! Aer Lingus finally updated their website for you to be able to book award flights with...
21 March, 2024
I wanted to run it back and show you how opening just one credit card might help cover your hotel stay at a resort. Since so many people ask about the Maldives or getting there I thought...
19 March, 2024
Here’s my favorite game to play. Let’s see where I can go with the points I currently have. It’s a great way to see where you can actually go, plan what credit card I’d need to get...
15 March, 2024
Now I could keep talking about how to book a trip but that’s already starting to get boring. So what I’m going to do is make a few step by step blog post on how to book a trip so you...
12 March, 2024
I’ve given you the main credit cards to look into in this post, but you don’t just want those right? You’re the kind of person that wants to understand the whole credit card world....
08 March, 2024
Looking for the best credit card for 2024? Explore our top credit card options and make an informed choice. This is probably the blog post you’ve been waiting for. This is hands down...
05 March, 2024
Discover why credit plays a crucial role in the credit card application process. Understand its importance and implications. No one likes talking about credit scores or credit. But...
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Welcome to my blog! I’m thrilled you’ve found your way here. This site is my personal canvas for sharing my travel adventures, thought-provoking experiences, and the credit card hacks that have been instrumental in my journeys across the globe. Here, I break down the strategies and insights that have made my world travels possible, offering a blend of trip reviews and savvy financial tips.
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